An empty milk bottle.
Right. I'm about to delve right into a First World Problem. But, as Jennifer Fulwiler says, we do live in the First of inevitable.
I did finally make some flapjack today. But it was an emergency measure against domestic disaster rather than the beginnings of the baking adventures I've been trying to embark on for a long time. I knew the day was not going to go 'swimmingly' when Isaac woke, on and off, between 4 and 5.45am today, as he is wont to do, and just when I had drifted back off to sleep Gracie pinged awake. I'd been feeling fairly hungry for a while (as you get when you have a little nursling) and I'd been thinking to myself that if I could just get downstairs and get a big bowl of Alpen (nice and sugary), and crawl back to bed with a cup of tea, whilst sticking on Clifford's Puppy Days (Gracie's flavour of the month TV programme), then I could try and start the day again. What happened, in reality, is that I went downstairs to find a cup of tea (great:)) And an empty milk bottle looking up at me from the sink. Oh no, I thought, heart truly sinking. Maybe there's another one on the step. I'm sure I could remember certain Mondays where the milkman would drop one off, even though we only have deliveries Wednesday and Friday. But the sad truth is that I knew, deep inside, that this was not the case. We were out of milk.
The hunger and tiredness mixed with an inner panic and I found myself deciding to put in a couple of pieces of bread to toast and bake some flapjack. Butter? Tick. Golden syrup? Tick. Oats? Tick. Clifford's Puppy Days? Tick. Half an hour later I had some very badly baked, half burned, half liquid-like, not-stuck-at-all together, flapjack. But oh, it was homemade.
And on a brighter note, I got my new digital weighing scales later on today. Or rather, I returned the ones I bought last Friday and exchanged them. I don't know why, but when I got them home last Friday, even though they were the ones which the lovely lady in the shop recommended, I just didn't feel excited about them. I tried to, I did. But it became clear to me over the weekend that I just needed the one with the bowl. Otherwise I would never get round to buying a bowl and we'd be back at Square One in the baking department.
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