As Gracie approaches her third birthday, I am starting to witness her getting pretty clever at procuring what she wants. I'm getting used to phrases like 'Mummy would you like an ice lolly?' or 'Mummy, would you like another ice lolly'? in order to get a first/second helping of something she fancies. But this week we've started to reach new levels. We stayed with some good friends in Leeds this weekend, who have a baby girl of one and a little boy of four, Claire and Aidan. Gracie was pretty excited to see them and a good time was had by all. Anyway, it got to Saturday night and it was bedtime. I thought Gracie would crash and burn at 7, since she'd dispensed with her midday nap. Flying in the face of expectation, she got a second wind and at 8.38pm was still going strong. As we were reading one of the - final - storybooks, in the hope of using a monotone so strong she would drift off (I was good at that, as I'd been a teacher), she asked me what a particular animal was. I wasn't sure. It wasn't a fruit bat - that had been on the previous page. This was clearly a book designed to challenge parents as well as children, since it didn't tell us what it was. I said I 'didn't know' anyway (I was used to saying that, too, in my many years of teaching) and she said 'Mummy I think Aidan will know what it is.' It took a second for the penny to drop, and then I realised she was trying to see a bit more of Aidan before she went to the Land of Nod. We got to another page and she tried the tactic again, when we encountered another animal I was nonplussed at. Then, she moved it up a notch, and went over to something on the floor. 'What's this Mummy?', she asked, as she ran her hand over what looked like a bit of melted red wax. Again, I didn't know. 'I think Aidan will know what it is, Mummy', she declared. Honestly.
This morning she tried again, but this time with success. She declared that she'd like to 'make a cake', something she'd seen on Max and Ruby. So she got her watering can (for the sprinkles, of course) and a packet of biscuits and came downstairs. I didn't think much of it. She said she thought Daddy would want to make a cake before he left for work. Hmm. Then she said she needed my help to make the cake and passed me the biscuits to open. Due to sleep deprivation, I was still innocent to her wiles. I took one out and gave it to her, upon which she 'sprinkled' something on it from her watering can and then picked it up and ate it. 1-0 to Gracie today so far, then. I wonder if England will be so good tonight.
I told Dad about this and he decided it was either devious or ingenius. Hence the title.
This morning she tried again, but this time with success. She declared that she'd like to 'make a cake', something she'd seen on Max and Ruby. So she got her watering can (for the sprinkles, of course) and a packet of biscuits and came downstairs. I didn't think much of it. She said she thought Daddy would want to make a cake before he left for work. Hmm. Then she said she needed my help to make the cake and passed me the biscuits to open. Due to sleep deprivation, I was still innocent to her wiles. I took one out and gave it to her, upon which she 'sprinkled' something on it from her watering can and then picked it up and ate it. 1-0 to Gracie today so far, then. I wonder if England will be so good tonight.
I told Dad about this and he decided it was either devious or ingenius. Hence the title.
So, Gracie is getting wised up to how to get what she wants, as all females need to do, as the world won't always give it fairly. Perhaps it's because she knows the shouting fits don't work anymore ; I just leave the room when she turns the volume up and shouts for her latest desire. And I invested in some good headphones a long time ago, which are now coming into their own. Thank you, Sony.
Another trait which is ever-growing in little G is her bossy streak. Hmm, I wonder where she gets that from...? This morning I finished my shower and she announced: 'Mummy, you need to get out of the shower now and dry yourself.' Thank you, Gracie. Instruction much appreciated. And yesterday it was 'here you go, Mummy' (bringing me her pink cup), 'you can wash this now.' As my dad would say, what did her last slave die of? I can see poor Isaac being a victim of her tyrannical tendencies, poor chap.
On another note, Gracie did a mini fashion show for me in the kitchen before we left the house - yet more evidence she is turning into a diva. A friend of mine gave me some beautiful clothes, which were Jonny's daughter's, Avalon's. Very special . They are lovely and Grace knows quality when she sees it. So she went about putting the garments on, one by one, this morning. As we were leaving the house I ordered Grace to get her knickers on and told her there was a whole packet of new ones in the bag. Later on I saw that she had put all 6 pairs on. Nothing by halves, this child.
I do think I am due a placid, low-mainteance child one day... Must have a word with God about that.
Meanwhile, Isaac's fierce temper continues...
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