But when do I write my blog now???

I have embarked on something that feels fairly massochistic: dropping Gracie's daytime nap. Why, oh why, have I decided to do this? Well, it's in the name of prioritising my marriage. Michael and I need quality time together (even if I have no comprehensible words left at the end of a 12/13-hour shift with a baby and a toddler) and so one of the times we can 'carve this out' is in the evenings. So. I am dispensing with the sanity-saving midday nap. There better be a special place in Heaven for me. 

Ergo... I am trying to figure out the following things. When, on earth, do I use the half-hour slot of television, without exceeding this recommended amount for The Toddler? Do I use it in the morning when I've had a bad night's sleep (nearly every day), or mid-morning when I'm trying to keep G quiet so I can get Isaac to sleep, or midday when I'm trying to get baby Isaac (who has endless energy) to have his proper midday nap (oh so necessary for his development, so I am told), or at the most evil of all the hours of the day... the witching hour, somewhere between 4 and 5pm, when I'm trying desperately to make dinner and I realise all we have is fish fingers and frozen peas? Agggh?

And then, more importantly, .... when do I WRITE MY BLOG? I have just discovered the Blue Flame (as Jennifer Fulwifer, blogger and mother of six children) calls it - writing, I mean. Or should I say, rediscovered it. It is here. I love writing my blog. It gives me an outlet for the building vexations and frustrations of my day. 

But the day is not providing any more than 24 hours, my reader, and I have just felt like I've lost 1-2 of those, with dropping Grace's nap. And as I write this, Grace is sitting on her bed eating Shreddies, mocking me. Once again, 'Hunger' has called, mysteriously, as bedtime approaches. Quite impressive, the regularity of it, really. So it's 8.49pm and what , exactly , have we gained? The whole point of dropping Grace's nap is so that the Blessed Angel will F-A-L-L Asleep at around 7, or half 7 at a push. And then... ahoy! I should have 2 and a half hours, roughly, to spend downstairs doing what normal adults do... watching TV, conversing (what's that?), maybe preparing for the following day if they fall into one of those brackets of Organised People, or - more pleasantly - reading a book. Which is what my husband is, incidentally, doing downstairs. How I loathe him right now! 

SO here I am, typing away, and trying to figure out when I'll write my much-loved blog from now on. The evenings are not usually any good. Tonight is an exception and I am only able to write this because I can feel the Inner Rage building up, especially as Grace looks at me sideways and licks her spoon slowly. Normally I am too tired in the evenings and have little-to-no brain power. It's mornings (fat chance these days) or during the nap. Or I grab another TV slot and up her viewing to one hour a day? Or, more realistically, two??

Any suggestions, readers? ! 

Oh, and ... is there any REAL POINT to dropping this nap????

Gracie's phrase/s for the day: 'Mummy, you can stay. (pause, during a game. I reply 'thank you, Grace) For a few weeks', she rounds off. 


  1. Obvious. Up her viewing. It won't do her any harm. Put on Countdown for her . . . .

  2. Why don’t you put stuff on in French or Spanish, so you feel it’s at least educational? There must be loads of fun language games out there.

  3. Maybe try you tube some dancing or nursery rhymes she can sing too xx
    We managed 8.30 tonight
    The warm nights are not helping either


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